Techorama wouldn't be Techorama without its partners. This year, we're lucky again to have so many companies that support us and they will be present with a booth. Our Ultimate and Platinum partners are also delivering a technical session at our conference. Today, we are proud to announce these sessions as part of our agenda.
- Microsoft: GenAI Multi-agents: The New Frontier in Software Development (Pierre Malarme & Jorge Garcia Ximenez)
- Cronos: Goodbye Azure Kubernetes Service! Hello Azure Container Apps! (Johnny Hooyberghs)
- Axxes: The Mario Kart™ guide to building a career (Hannes Lowette)
- U2U: The Developer's Guide to AI Powered Apps with Semantic Kernel
- Particular: Implementing the planet's largest e-commerce site using service boundaries (Dennis Van Der Stelt)
- DotnetLab: .NET Microservices with Dapr - too much abstraction or the way to go? (Marc Mûller)
- Delaware: Integrating AI in Testing (Frederik Declerck)
- Cegeka: Value Objects, objects of great value (Raf Van Baelen)
- Progress: .NET Developer Productivity (Sam Basu)
- Codit: What I have learned from implementing a landing zone using Bicep (Steven De Lausnay)
- Xebia: Mock your OpenID Connect Provider (Kristof Riebbels)
- AllPhi: Practical guidelines to improve your code readability (Ben Luts)
- Elmos: TBA